14 Oct Grade 12 Biology

14 Oct 2022 Grade 12 Biology.  Word of the day: Taxonomy (in your issued Biology Glossary)

UPDATE!  13:00 Back in Class on Monday

Today’s Lesson
  • Likely  we will be back in-class on Monday.  Stay tuned.  It is completely possible to do this stuff on-line, but more onus on you for YOU to adapt your learning style.
  • If you want to collect hard copies you can briefly pop by the north entrance West Entrance (parking lot, hotel side)  and I will hand you stuff.  The college doors are locked however, I will have a door bell thereLeaving at 14:00 today (Friday).  e-mail announcing you are here will work too
  • Biology Mid-Term Take – home Test.  The printed test was issued on Wednesday before the closure.  It is entirely possible to read it on line and answer the questions on blank paper (the we did it in the old days before photocopiers).  Movie: Doing Assignment without Hardcopy