16 Sep Grade 12 Biology

16 Sep Grade 12 Biology.  Morning.  Compressed Friday; half-classes; squeezed into AM.  Word of the Day: homozygous vs heterozygous

THERE IS CLASS On MondayCORRECTION!  We found out at 14:00 that Monday is a National Day of Mourning. NO CLASSES ON MONDAY AFTER ALL.

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Quiz Debrief (?).  If all quizzes completed? Quiz results. Went well; mean (average) mark was 83%, 14 students wrote the quiz.  So a quick simple one just to get folks into the groove of how to prepare for and write a quiz.  If you missed the quiz, still a chance to write it, with penalty, this morning.  There will be another six or seven Regular Thursday Quizzes.  The quiz was on-line yesterday if you were stuck at home.  Pretty easy to send by e-mail some multiple choice and true false responses!
  • Practice Punnet Squares (mono-Hybrid crosses, first page only for now).
  • Introduce Di-Hybrid Punnet Squares (OMG, 16 squares to fill!)  Video to scare you! lol
    • Got a radio?  Stream stuff on your device?  Check out the CBC Quirks and Quarks Science program on CBC.  89.3 FM or streamed podcast on-line.  Quirks and Quarks is audio podcast too.! Excellent variety of Science Subjects every Saturday at Noon on the radio, or just podcast anytime.
  • College Fall Feast Thurs 22 Sep (Lunch and Ceremony at Noon)
  • Quiz Every Thursday
  • All Fridays are compressed into the morning, afternoon is off for students.  Good time to book personal administration.
  • Remote Learning Protocol. Reminder; in the event the entire course or an individual student or a teacher has to isolate then the MSHSD Remote Learning Protocol will apply.