16 SEP Grade 10 Essentials Math

16 SEP Grade 10 Essentials Math.  Compressed Classes today!  Word of the Day: Metric System

THERE IS CLASS On Monday. CORRECTION!  We found out at 14:00 that Monday is a National Day of Mourning. NO CLASSES MONDAY.

Today’s Lesson.
  • Quiz Debrief.  The Quiz [download quiz.] went well, the mean (average) mark was 92%, 9 students wrote the regular Weekly Thursday Quiz.  I am fairly generous marking at start of course. I allowed for a few bonus questions! If you missed the quiz yesterday, still time to do it this morning.  I will post the solution this evening.  Watch for it here
  • Unit C  Measurement Notes  pp.  5-6 Reading rulers
  • Read ahead about the Metric System, pp.7 – 12 in the Notes.
  • College Fall Feast Thurs 22 Sep (Lunch and Ceremony 12:00 to 13:00)
  • Quiz Every Thursday
  • Compressed Fridays.  All Fridays are compressed into the morning, afternoon is off for students.  Good time to book personal administration.
  • Remote Learning Protocol. Reminder; in the event the entire course or an individual student or a teacher has to isolate then the MSHSD Remote Learning Protocol will apply.