16 FEB GRADE 12 ESSENTIAL.  Normal 13:00 broadcast.  15:30 Wash-up for Q & A.


  • Closing Costs Review.  Here is what we did yesterday!  Closing Costs video!  Lots of different Costs:  Closing Cost Movie
  • Property Taxes.  [Re-] Read Unit F Notes pp.    How the city (or Rural Municipality) funds its services. An important idea!  Even renters pay it, it is just buried in their rent.
  • Read Ahead/ Study.  GDSR.  Jump ahead in Unit F Notes to the page labelled PRACTICE PROBLEMS – 6 to page 11
  • Unit F – Workbook.   We can start to just do practice questions from the substantial Unit F Work Book now.  Take a couple days doing a few of these.


  • Yellowquill University College Policies and Procedures.
  • COVID Protocols.
  • Grad Photos. Students  grad pics to take place: March 1, 9am-3pm
    March 8 (retake day) 9am-3pm
    And a final day of April 29 9am-12pm.Cost ~ $35
    See Natallie for Forms
  • Red River College Open House.  Thinking of RRC after grad?  Do the Virtual Tour, chat with instructors, … Virtual Open House 23 Feb , 4 – 8 PM.