10 Feb Grade 11 Essential

10 Feb Grade 11 Essential.  Morning.  09:00 YouTube Live, 11:30 Washup Google Meet.  Return to in-class instruction postponed til Mon 28 Feb. Essential  that students drop by briefly, submit work, collect courseware.

  • Unit C Notes – pg. 8 – Volume of a Cylinder
  • Quiz.  Quiz is here: QUIZ .  Time constrained.  Submit by 17:00 (5PM)
  • Read Ahead!  Notes pp. 17-19 (finish off notes)  Check out especially again the glossary!
  • Next Unit to survey (flip trough) is going to be Unit G Trigonometry.  Check it out on webpage!
    • We are leaping ahead units because the two Units that we needed to do; not a single student has shown up in 2.5 weeks to collect the necessary courseware for the two units we were scheduled to do.
    • Trig will be easy since already did Trigonometry in Grade 10 and anyone can sketch a triangle.
    • Come-in very soon and collect the courseware.  Maybe submit some assignments.

Announcements.  As per yesterday

Useful Resources to Explore (in our website)