Welcome Dylan and Brianne.  If just joining ensure you follow and complete the previous blogs starting with 23 Jan

Today’s Lesson
    • WarmupUnit B Workbook – Questions 1 to 4
      • The workbook is extracts I have prepared of the previous Provincial Exams [Archived Provincial Math Exams].  Perfect practice questions with answers!  Crazy if you do not check out the availability of the last dozen Provincial Exams that are on-line there!  And full step by step solutions too!  They even show how NOT to do a question!
    • Lesson:  Leasing a Vehicle – Notes pp.11-14
    • Quiz.  A real quick on-line quiz tomorrow.  I likely regular weekly Thursday quizzes.
    • Google Meet.  I am fairly sure that many students ignore the broadcast (at their peril) we will find out on the quiz.  I think I will do a broadcast / video-audio chat tomorrow on Google Meet!  That way students can verbally reply to my questions!  Google Meet is available in Google Play and Apple Store and it is built into your Chrome Browser.
    • Tomorrow Lesson. Notes pp. 15 – 18 Cost of Operating a Vehicle

Suggested Resources to explore: (all on our Grade 12 Essential Website)