Good Afternoon!  Two days of Exam Review.  Standard brief 13:00 Live broadcast on YouTube.  Reconvene at 15:20 on Google Meet (for only those who have a question or two.)

Today:  [Update:  10 folks joined the broadcast, nice!]
  • Still accepting overdue Assignments till 15:00 today
  • Exam Practice Questions.  Trusting  you already started on them !?
    • Update: Had you noticed the Full Solutions also?  Solutions Part 1,   Solutions Part 2.
    • The exam is a few select questions.  Only 10 pages, lots of blank space to show work.  Open Book of course, but of course a submitted cheat sheet is still necessary.
  • I have generated a collection of our Quiz and Mid-Term Debrief Videos as well.  Getting a bit late to be watching hours of videos now!
  • Lots of other lesson resources in the Grade 11 Essential daily blogs.


Same as Today!
