Friday 10 APRIL

*** Keep these weekly e-mails till end of course
Click on Hyperlinks****
Good morning.  This is my weekly review e-mail.  I only send out one course broadcast e-mail a week to the entire course; at week’s end.  I am sending it to my Grade 12 Math Web Based Course [WBC] learners and my Independent Study Option [ISO] learners   (on the off chance the ISO get access to the internet)
Grade 12 Math Blog.  All students (ISO or WBC) should maintain regular attention to the daily MrF Teach Math BLOG.  The Blog will chop down your e-mails by a substantial amount!
Grade 12 Essential Website.  All students should be overly familiar with our Website by now after 6 months.  Here is our Grade 12 Essential web page.
COVID-19  Learning.  Our director has made it pretty clear how we are to learn during this period.  It should be easy; we all have lots of spare time now!  (?).  Here is the Letter the Yellow Director had sent to all staff and students:  Notice to All Yellowquill College Students.  Foremost of these instructions is that students and instructors are to maintain daily contact.
Welcome.  I will be sending my official WELCOME e-mail on Monday 13th one last time, although you already have it.
SUPPORT LINKS  (good links to bookmark)
Our Grade 12 Essential Website.  Assignments, notes, lots of extra resources
Our Daily Math Blog.  Check it our frequently.  Book Mark it.
Daily Lesson Files.  Daily Lessons in a shared folder.
Prior Studies Webpage.  You really do need to know your multiplication tables for example.
Course Calendar.  The current course Calendar, timings, quizzes, tests, etc.
Cheat Sheets.  MY Study Reference Notes!  You should be preparing your own for Grade 12 and you have your others from previous courses with me.!

Archived Exams.  Years of Past Provincial Exams on line!  A must see!  I have extracted large portions of these exams into related Unit Workbooks for us!