Gr12Bio Unit C Evolution

C-1   Unit C – Notes. Provided in class.  Colour versions here:  Chapter 16 – Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Chapter 17 – Evolution of Populations Study Guide Workbook for Unit C.  Questions from the Reference Readings to further guide your studies Continue Reading

Grade 12 Biology

Grade 12 Biology Course Outline.  How we will conduct the course.  Class rules, guidelines. Grade 12 Biology Curriculum.    What you will learn on the course. I have elected to give units a letter designation to make labelling of assignments, Continue Reading

Grade 12 Applied – Unit C – Functions

C-1 Gr12 Applied Functions Notes. The Notes frames for the class. C-2 Unit C Functions YouTube Playlist. Select Play All, investigate some ideas, but videos do not replace real learning. C-4 Workbooks.  Loads of practice problems: Unit C – Functions Continue Reading

Grade 10 Essential Unit D – 2D Geometry

Geometry is the very original mathematics.  No numbers just shapes originally!  Of course we had to mess it up 2500 years later with stupid numbers! 1.  Grade 10 Geometry Notes. Your Notes!  Notes frame for you, complete some of it, Continue Reading

Grade 12 Essential: Unit C – Statistics

UNIT C: STATISTICS  (Sadistics as they call it in university) C-1 Statistics Notes. Your Unit Notes frame. Read and do. Always read head a couple pages to be prepared for next lesson. C-2 Unit C – YouTube Playlist. A selection Continue Reading