Gr12Bio General Resources

Introduction and General Resources for the Grade 12 Biology Course

Course Outline.

Biology Glossaries. Some selected glossaries. ‘Knowing the meaning of words is the
beginning of wisdom’.  Pick a dictionary or two that you like and Bookmark them on your device:
Glossary 1: Grade 12 Bio Glossary. A pdf file adapted from Mb Distance Learning. I will issue this one.
Here is a mini version to use less paper : Gr12Bio_Glossary_MINI
Glossary 2:  Palomar College Biology Glossary
Glossary 3.  Explore Biology.ORG Dictionary
Glossary 3: Berkley University Biology Glossary(ies). On-Line; Navigable
Glossary 4: HRW. PDF file.
Glossary 5. Human Biology (Pressbooks) Glossary.  From a great on-line open source textbook
Glossary 6: Biology On-Line.  Another wonderful on-line dictionary.  Book mark this one!
Glossary 7: National Cancer Institute Dictionary of Terms

General Science Links:

Mr.D.  Biology Teacher Videos.  Pretty much uses a version of our reference readings to cover the entire course.  Of course videos will not save your bacon!

Bozeman Science – Biology.  A primo website for things all science (AP Level)

Human Biology. (Pressbooks).  A grade supplemental source for our studies. An open source Free Text Book.  Has all the chapters that pretty much cover our entire course!

Crash Course Biology.  Another Biology Teacher (AP Level)

Scientific American

Discover Magazine. A good science magazine. A great on-line science magazine about Canadian Science.

National Geographic – Science.

Today’s Parent.

Science Magazine.

CBC – Quirks and Quarks. A great CBC TV and Saturday morning Radio show! You can download Audio Podcasts too and listen on your iPhone or MP3 player! Past Episodes. Try an example podcast download: New Species of Human Relative.

CBC – The Nature of Things.  You see it all the time on TV!  Check out for example:  The Genetic Revolution  or Secrets From the Ice – Human History in North America

PODCASTS – Naked Genetics.  Some great .mp3 podcasts, 30 minutes, great for the bus ride to school. Try this one for example: Genes and Genealogy.  Podcasts are wonderful, something to listen to on the bus; at home, ….

BBC Podcasts. The ‘Beeb’ is wonderful, lots of Science Audio Podcasts:

BBC Science Stories;     BBC Costing The Earth;  and more

ScienceNewsforStudents.  Investigate with your Kids!!

PBS Shows Science and Nature.  Hundreds of shows that are the PBS TV Channel!

Learn Genetics.  A great site for the course from University of Utah.

MedLinePlus Genetics. A very complete reference about genetics and all health issues.

Simulations – U of Colorado – PhET.   Interactive Simulations for Science and Math. A truly wonderful selection of interactive simulations. If some of these do not work try a different browser!  Check out how Natural Selection Works by simulation!
Quizzes.  Fun for you and the whole family!

Some Wonderful Biology Quizzes. Quiz yourself.  But first try their Tutoring Lesson pages.  This is pretty much half the Grade 12 Biology Course on one website!

Quia Web. Test yourself on any subject! 2400 Science Quizzes.  Try this game for example; see if you win $ 1 Million.  Evolution: Who wants to be a Millionaire.

Genetics Science Learning Centre. A wonderful resource for the entire course. (Rather Advanced)

How to Study Biology
How to Study Biology. The sciences are very intense to study! Lots of new vocabulary, lots of new ideas to link together. If you do not engage your brain and challenge it, you will not learn. Use all your senses, scribble, doodle, dream, talk it out with others, make poems about it, act it out, … whatever it takes for you to understand the subject (not just blindly memorize). You will need facilities and time at home to study as well. Here are some possibly useful links:

Study Tips for Biology Class – Butte College. Good tips!

YouTube Video – 6 Mins – How to Study. How to study.

Text Books on line. Some on-line Biology Text Books; generally, they cannot be printed though for obvious reasons.
Practice Questions for Final Exam.     Here are lots of good practice questions for a final exam.