Grade 12 Biology

Grade 12 Biology

Course Outline.  How we will conduct the course.  Class rules, guidelines.

Grade 12 Biology Curriculum.    What you will learn on the course.

I have elected to give units a letter designation to make labelling of assignments, etc., less confusing. Units A to E correspond with Units /Modules 1 – 5 of the curriculum and the distance learning.

Introduction & General Course Resources.  Lots of good links for the course.

Unit A – Inheritance (Genetics).  How individual traits are inherited from parents.

Unit B – DNA.  The mechanism by which reproduction of cells occurs .

Unit C – Evolution.  The well established theory of how populations of individuals slowly change and adapt.

Unit D – Biodiversity.  Naming and Categorizing the Diversity of Life

Unit E – Conservation.  How to conserve biodiversity to maintain a healthy mother earth

Unit X – Prior Science Studies.  Resources to refresh and self-investigate prior science studies Grades 9 to 11.


For Teachers. Useful links at the bottom of the page