Grade 12 Essential: Unit A – Problem Solve, Games and Numbers

Grade 12 Essential: Unit A – PROBLEM SOLVE, Games and Numbers

Item-1  Unit A Games and Numbers Workbook.  A workbook issued in class.

Item  2  Unit A – YouTube Play List – A selection of supporting videos. Of course a video alone is not a great way to learn.  Select ‘Play All’, select a few that help you the most.

Item 3  Practice Worksheets (puzzle sheets, solve the riddle, and see if you have correct answers!.  Due dates in blog(s)

Item 4  Problem Solving Methods. Not everything is solved by some secret formula and smashing some numbers into a calculator, more often you actually have to sit and doodle, and think, and guess and check , or list the possibilities, or use logic, or use simpler examples, etc.

Problem Solving Strategies.  A standard list and examples of problem solving strategies.

Problem Solving Strategies.  The same general list of strategies!

Problem Solving Strategies.  The standard list of methods

Item 6  Solving Problems by Guess and Check ; a selection of suitable reference links:

Guess and Check Ref 1, Guess and Check 2

Item 7  Solving Problems by Making a List ; a selection of suitable reference links:

Make a List Ref 1;   Make a List Ref 2

Item 8  Solving Problems by Making a Diagram; a selection of suitable reference links:

Make a Diagram Ref 1;   Make a Diagram Ref 1;

Item 9  Solving Problems by Making A Table Worksheet(s)

Make A Table 1Make a Table 2,

Item 10  Solving Problems by Finding a Pattern Worksheet(s)

Find a Pattern Ref 1,

Item 11 Solving Problems Using Logic.

Solve Using Logic Ref 1,

Item 13  Solving Problems by Working Backwards.

Work Backwards Ref 1,  Work Backwards Ref 2,

Item 15  A Problem Solving Test Bank (Animated; Grade 6; but really great);

Item 16  Fun Math Puzzles – ‘MathisFun’.

Item 17  Quia.  Checkout Quia Web, select any type of puzzle for any subject!  Math, Science, English, … Here is a few thousand Math games., fun for the whole family

Item 18  Test of Genius Puzzles!  Only if you are brave.  Test of Genius 1Test of Genius 2.