Grade 12 Applied – Unit D2 – Statistics

This is an alternate unit of study that I occasionally deliver given that Statistics was formally in Grade 12 Applied but got moved to Grade 11 Applied a course we skip!

D – 1  Unit D Stats Notes. Your Unit Notes frame. Read and do. Always read ahead a couple pages to be prepared for next lesson.
D-2  Unit D – YouTube Playlist. A selection of supporting videos. Select ‘Play All’,  interact, engage!
D-3  Mr F Statistics Movies. My Essential Math movies for the Applied course, movies of our lessons, notes, and assignments
D-4 Unit D Statistics – Workbook. A huge selection of extra questions for you to practice.
NEW!  The Grade 12 Essential does the same Unit, here is the Essential Statistics Workbook of Past Provincial Exam Questions

D-6  Worksheets for possible  Assignment

Template To Calculate Statistics. My simple template, with example, to calculate mean, median, mode for a large sample using the frequency of data values.

Math is Fun – Probability and Statistics. A great website to explain Central Tendency and lots of Other Statistics and Probability.  Check out the Graph Maker too, a fairly simple way to make a histogram

D-4 AN Interactive Manipulative to show Mean, Median Mode

D-5 A Statistics Calculator.  Enter your data, it calculates the mean, median, mode and range

D-5 Notes-Mean, Median, Mode.  Great notes and examples to review the central tendency statistics of Mean, Median, and Mode.

D-6 Central Tendencies.  A great animated and with sound interactive explanation of Mean, Median, Mode and more.

D-8 Mean Median Mode Demonstrator.  A great interactive way to show how mean, median and mode change.  You set up the stats.  See if you can make the measures of central tendency all the same; all different.

D-9 Worksheet. Mean Median Mode – Central Tendencies.

D-10 Self Tests.  Some quick Self Tests:  (Have your calculator ready)

Mean Self Test,  Median Self Test1,   Median 2,  Mode Self Test,

D-10A On-line Mean, Median, Mode Calculator. Dozens of these on line or as apps on your smart phone.

D-11 Stats Demonstrator.  Invent your own animal, your own units of measure, find the mean, median, deviation, everything.  Interactive and easy.

D-12 Basic Statistics Exercise.  Find the statistics of those World War II Bomber Crews who died in the Royal Canadian Air Force. How old were they? How closely grouped were they to a certain age.  When you do the math you will find they were something like 22 years old, ‘give or take’ a deviation range of a ‘couple’ years.  When we study probability, you will find that 65% of bomber crews never came home!


Extra Practice Example- Collecting Statistics. You would have studied this in Grade 9, but it is easy to ask a biased question and get any answer you want!