Grade 11 Essential Unit E – Managing Money

Unit E – Managing Money

E-1  Unit E – YouTube Play List – A selection of supporting videos. Select ‘Play All’, sit back, interact

E-2 Government Website – Managing Your Money.  An excellent website from Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

E-2  Budgets using tables – EXCEL is perfect for doing budgets.  You learned it in Grade 10.  If you need to refresh go back to the EXCEL page for tutorials.

E-4  Budget Template.  A template is useful to organize the type of expenses you might have.  Printable Budget Template (legal size paper).  An EXCEL Budget Template.

E- 6 On-Line Budget Calculator.  An on-line Budget Calculator from Government of Canada

E-5  A Primer on Credit Cards.  A primer on Credit and Credit cards from the National Bank

E-9  Pay Day Loans.  A great review of how Pay Day loans work from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada.

E-6  Credit Card Payment Calculator Tool. This is great, see how much credit cards will cost you! New government rules by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada have made this hidden information mandatory in 2010! Paying back $5,000 at 22% with the new minimum payments will take 16 years and $11,000 total (if you never even use the card again!)

E-8  Loan Calculator.  Use this BMO Loan calculator to calculate how much a loan will cost if you don’t have the Amortization Tables.

E-9  Annuity Calculator. Find what sort of payments you need to regularly make to end up with a certain amount for retirement.