Course Binder Updates

Effective:  2022-02-23

The following updates may apply to your course binders.

But even if you are missing a printed file you can still copy it out on separate paper and do the questions the way we used to do it in the old days before printers and photocopiers!  MOVIE: Homework without Printout.

Grade 11 Essential – 21-22 Term 3
Preliminary Substantial Courseware issue week of 17 Jan:

  • Course Outline, Grades 10 Cheat Sheet (front sleeve) ,  Gr 11Cheat Sheet
  • Issued Units B, C, F
  • Issued Unit A Assignments A-1 to A-4

24 Jan:  Added Grade 11 Inventory

Week of 8 Feb:  Unit F Worksheets and Entire Unit D Stats ready for collection

11 Feb:  Unit G Trigonometry Issued.  Since no-one had collected the Units D and F!

Grade 12 Essential – 21-22 Term 3
Preliminary Substantial Courseware issue week of 17 Jan:

  • Course Outline, Grades 10, 11 Cheat Sheets (front sleeve) ,  Gr 12 Cheat Sheets
  • Issued Units B, C, F
  • Issued Unit G – Notes only

24 Jan:  Issued Gr12 Inventory, Added Unit B Workbook

Week of 8 Feb:  Unit G Worksheets ready for collection

17 Feb:  Unit I Probability ready for Collection

22 Feb  Unit  D Precision Measurement Ready for Collection

MOZILLA HUBS  LOL, Join me in VR!!