27 Oct Grade12 Biology

Working on Sections 3.2 Energy, Producers and Consumers and 3.3 Energy Flow today.  We will omit Section 3.4, but be aware of these cycles of Water, Carbon, and other chemicals that are used by living organisms. Also starting in on Section 4.1 Climate today. Continue Reading

26 Oct Grade 10 Essential

Had a little discussion (again) about remote learning if it ever becomes necessary.  Everyone in attendance confirmed they had good internet connectivity, in that unlikely event. I had done a movie on the weekend about using the Tangent Ratio to Continue Reading

19 Oct Biology

Starting in on Unit D – Biodiversity (Classification of Life) Here is the on-line version of the reference reading.  Doing Section 19.1 Today – Finding Order in Diversity And you have a Unit D – Biodiversity Study Guide to focus Continue Reading