Grade 10 Essential Unit F – Consumer Decisions

It is important you be familiar with some basic consumer ideas, how to spend money wisely!

F-1  UNIT CLASS NOTES – CONSUMER DECISIONS.  Your Notes Frame for the unit, read and do!
F-2  Consumer Decisions – YouTube Play List. A selection of supporting videos; pick and choose a few that best suit you. Select ‘Play All’, sit back, interact.
F-3  Possible Selected assignments:

Unit Costs Assignment  (F-1  Due in class Jan 11 Not Handin)
Currency Exchange Assignment.  (F-2  Due in class Jan 12 Not Handin)

Consumer Decisions Support Resources Links

F-5  World Currencies. An example of different world currencies! Courtesy of some of my travels.

F-6  Crazy! Price of Milk. What is wrong with this picture? My local drug mart has been selling milk like this for 15 years. Sometimes their is a big Red Sale Sticker on the Two Litre carton and the price is 20 cents lower (and they are usually sold out the same day!!)

F – 7  Unit Price Game.  See if you can calculate the Unit Price of some common shopping items.

F-8  Bank of Canada – Money Conversion Rates.  The rate of exchange changes daily depending how well a country is doing economically.

F-8  Our Exchange Rates.  These are the exchange rates we will use.  Be aware they change daily.  Be aware this chart is 20 years old, some of the currencies are no longer in use.

F-10  Government Regulations Regarding Consumer Protection.  ** Buyer beware**

Misleading advertising.   Consumer Protection Bureau
Federal Laws – Consumer Packaging and Labeling.  Notice also that Canadians use the Metric System.  Feet, pounds, ounces, quarts, teaspoons… disappeared 45 years ago!
Provincial Law – Consumer Protection Act.  Pretty intense!!!
Provincial – Consumer Protection Alerts.  Things to watch out for; scams, fraud, etc.