Ref:  Public Health Factsheet February 2022 

Here is an extract of the reference Manitoba COVID Guidelines on how to care for someone or oneself if suspected COVID.  [Suspected?  See Screening Tool] This extract relates to the Isolation procedures with effect Feb 2022 at Ref.  Prepared by MrF.

“The duration of the isolation period for the case depends on the person’s vaccination status:
• If they are fully vaccinated and do not have symptoms, they need to isolate for five days from the date of their positive test
• If they are fully vaccinated and have symptoms, they need to isolate for five days from the start of symptoms, or the date of their positive test, whichever is later. They must also continue to isolate until they no longer have a fever and their other symptoms have improved over the past 24 hours.
• If they are not fully vaccinated, they need to isolate for 10 days from the start of symptoms or the date of their positive test, whichever is later. They must also continue to isolate until they no longer have a fever and their other symptoms have improved over the past 24 hours.

Note: Fully vaccinated people who have finished their isolation period must wear a medical grade mask in public settings for five days and avoid any non-essential visits to high-risk settings or non-essential contact with individuals at high risk for severe disease. Precautions should remain in place for this entire time period until the isolation is finished.  ”

See the Full Reference for more complete details about how to care for someone or oneself.