15 Mar Grade 11 Essential

15 Mar Grade 11 Essential.  09:00 broadcast, 11:20 washup.  Lots of empty seats in the classroom  (all of them empty!)

  • Warmup / Review. Polygon Warmup and Review  DISREGARD!! THAT IS THE GRADE 12 STUFF!
  • Unit F Workbook pp. 6-10
    • Slope of a line  (previous lessons)
    • Slope and Intercept Method of Graphing Line
  • For Tomorrow.  Practice for Thursday Quiz: Graphing Lines – Worksheet Practice
    • Thurs Quiz will be Polygon Formulae and Graphing Lines. The quiz will be Copy, Solve, Scan, Send format (not google quiz format)

Final exam.  Wed 23 March!  In class only.  Start on Exam Practice Questions  (solutions on Intro Webpage).  Tweak up your cheat sheet.  Last of any assignments in by Monday 21st 15:00.