
  • Math Exam to be sent by e-mail at ~08:30.  Some students are having the exam delivered by Bo as per blog 18 Jan  , their exam is in the front sleeve of the Grade 12 Binder
  • I am available readily available on-line  for any questions
  • Notional time to complete the Grade 11 Math exam  will be one to two hours, but you have till  16:00  (4PM)
    • Multiple Choice- just answer with a letter only, no need to show work for multiple choice
    • Open Response – you must show work, how you solved the question, simply stating the result in an open response question is not sufficient
  • Scanned Submissions – you will ensure  that scanned Math exam returns are readable please
    • Hint: Scanning against a dark background (table top) seems to work best.
    • The school is open, nothing precludes you from returning it by hand (and collecting Grade 12 Courseware)
  • Teacher will be readily available for questions about the exam itself at this e-mail address
  • Final Exam and Course mark to be published by Friday PM
    • Your Mark(s) will only be released once you have done the Learner Survey.
Grade 12.  Relax, hope to see you (in person) soon in Grade 12, even if not successful in Grade 11.  Pop by the school in the soon or next week, collect a Grade 12 courseware package if so scheduled.  Grade 12 Starts on 24 Jan!  Watch for the 24 Jan Blog!
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