05 Jan Grade 10 Essential

Morning!  Check in by e-mail! [especially if you are not using g-mail, since we will not see your chat in the chat window if using MSN).  Staff have a meeting today about remote learning. I will try to get some formal approval for students to drop by occasionally and collect / submit work.  Wait for it.  But the blog, broadcast, webpages, supporting videos…. method works well if you are sufficiently engaged in your own learning.

UPDATE!:  Starting tomorrow you can drop by occasionally to collect/submit work.  e-mail me before you arrive .  I will have a door bell at the North entrance (not parking lot) to summon me!  I will finish preparing some packages for you for tomorrow.

Yesterday Lesson.  We did as per the 04 Jan Blog.  here is a couple questions I did for you!  04 Jan Wrap up.  Here is another worked out question from the E-1 assignment: Utility Pole..

Today Lesson.

Wait for further on how long the remote learning will last