- On-Line Quiz. Please do that on-line self quiz that was provided since Saturday! In the unlikely event we were ever to go to remote learning you would be using that method of quiz.
- Finish Assgt C-4 Surface Area of Cylinder
- Issue Grade 11 Geometry Workbook. Grades 10 AND 11. Excellent workbook with answers!
- Lesson: Volume; Notes pp. 16-19. Assgt CHARLIE – 5 Volume of Rectangular Prism
- Lesson: Construct Polyhedra! This is fun!
- Finish Notes. Make sure you at least ”read’ the materiel at the end of the notes; a good glossary there, formulae, etc!
- Week 3 Quiz Re-write for those who want and had < 70%. Tomorrow at 12:40 (ONLY)! For 40 minutes max. Max Mark 70%. You have the original quiz, you have the solution handout, you have a movie solution all since Saturday, playlists, other links… You have me till 16:45. everyday.
Mid-Term Marks due to office 10 Dec. Mid Term Test Thurs 9 Dec
Word of the Day: Volume.