28 Sep Grade 12 Biology

28 Sep (Tues) Grade 12 Biology.  Morning!

Superbaby Project went rather well!  Lots of interesting superbabies when we mated some super heroes!  Hopefully you did not end up with a lame superbaby.


  • Class time to work in Chapter 11 Study Guide.  Good Quiz Questions! Hint Hint.
  • Section 14.1 Human ChromosomesMrD has 8 videos (40 minutes) that cover the entire Chapter 14 too!  Read, discuss in class.  And , l.o.l., a study guide for Chapter 14 later to focus your thoughts!
  • Are you colour Blind? blame mom!  Check this video about sex linked traits: Sex Linked Traits.  If your uncle is colour blind possible you are too!


  • Pop-up Vaccination Clinic here, Monday 4 October, Pfeizer and Moderna.  Details to follow
  • Our Daily Lessons.  Don’t forget, every single one of our daily lessons is on-line back to the very first day:  Daily Lessons On-Line.  Book mark that perhaps on your laptop or your device.
  • My Live Broadcasts.  My Live Broadcasts on YouTube, that I occasionally offer as a courtesy, are not structured for proper remote learning!  You are expected to be in-class.  If the entire class was doing remote learning then the broadcast would be structured accordingly. So watching me do a live broadcast of an ‘in-class’ lesson is not going to learn you well, you need to actually do the reading, discussion, study guides, …..