16 Sep GRADE 12 Biology

16 Sep GRADE 12 Biology.   Morning to my ‘Homeroom Class’

Almost reached homeostasis !  Almost running like a smooth machine now.  You wowwed me yesterday with all the wonderful questions!  Truly the best bunch I have ever had, makes it all worthwhile!

Today’s Lessons.


Binder Updates.  I will be preparing some more handouts this weekend.  That which you received already was only to last you the first couple weeks.  Don’t rip apart your binder, keep stuff in the order on the webpage.

Free Tickets CMHR.  Our Student Services, Edna, has some free tickets to the Human Rights Museum if you want to go or take your family.

COVID.  Please remember that Double Vax is not a complete immunity.  You can still carry and transmit the virus (in reduced ‘shedding / spreading’), you can still get ill (but much less ill) !  It’s all about the numbers, probabilities!  We are all doing a pretty good job, good work.  Students and staff are to all be double vaccinated by Mid-October.