08 Sep Grade 10 Essential Mathematics

Morning!  This is a daily blog to cut down on e-mails!  Check it daily!

Today’s Plan.
Arithmetic.  Yesterday I tried to encourage you to learn your times tables by doing some basic elementary Arithmetic.  Here was the Assignment you had:  X-1 Whole Number Operations.  Of course in Essential math you are always allowed to use a calculator, but I will occasionally, myself, demonstrate calculations the old fashioned way by hand, for fun!.  Make sure you have a decent calculator in the next couple weeks, (Movie:  Decent Calculator) the Dollarama ones are not sufficient, neither likely is the calculator installed on your phone.  I will show you some more readily available and useful calculators to download soon.
Today.   Today we start on Unit B – Personal Finance, how to calculate your pay check!.  Unit B Notes pages 1 to 4.  Assignment B-1 Gross Income

Friday Gathering.  We have a welcome gathering for the entire college on Friday at the Victoria Inn Hotel.  The gathering is only for those who are double vaccinated.  You must show proof of double vaccination to enter the hotel.  If you are not double vax you will attend normal class Friday AM have work to do in the comfort of your home.  Recall also that Fridays are ‘compressed’, so both shortened classes are done at noon, Friday afternoons are ‘off’..

COVID Protocol.  The standard procedures apply; especially, if you are sick do not come to class!  Do a self-assessment to see if you should be concerned: COVID Screening Tool.  All college staff and students are to be fully vaccinated and documented by mid-October.  Until then, starting next week, those not fully vaccinated will undergo occasional rapid testing prior to entry to the classroom.  Details to follow