29 OCT Grade 12 Biology

Good morning. We are still code Orange; still carefully conducting in-class instruction.  Check-in by e-mail at start of class if you are unable to attend!  I may even initiate the occasional Google Meet chat / video chat at about that time to see how your studies are progressing.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with the current situation there is a wonderful COVID assessment tool to see if your symptoms warrant concern:

Assessment Tool: https://sharedhealthmb.ca/covid19/screening-tool/

Today’s Lesson will be Section 4.2  Niches and Community Interactions.  Every organism has its own place and its own job!  Watch at the end of the day for the posting of the in-class lessons in our Shared Class Lesson Files.  We finished class at 11:40, and because we had gone through a condensed Chapter 4 Study Guide leaving out the three sections we skipped.

I also had uploaded a movie before class to our Daily Lessons Movie Playlist.   Just in case you really need to hear my voice (lol)