21 Oct Grade 10 Essential Mathematics

Final Math Exam is Thursday 5 Nov (IN THE MORNING).  Last day to hand in assignments (Units D,E,G only) is Friday 30 Oct

On Page 15 of the the Unit E Trigonometry Notes.  Notice there is lots of practice questions at the end materiel in the notes; Appendix B.

Working on Assignment E-2; Finding an Angle Using Inverse Trigonometric Ratios.  (Assgt E-2; Due 27 Oct).  Here is my fav teacher teaching SOH CAH TOA.  (Disregard the other three ways of comparing sides)

Decent Calculator.  Hopefully you have a decent calculator by NOW; Movie: Decent Calculator.  The one on your phone is likely not sufficient unless you download a better one.  The equations get way more intense in Grade 11, so scrounge up or buy a decent ($14 at Walmart) calculator.  If you have an Android device I can show you the absolute perfect Calculator to Download (The TI-83 Plus).  Or just bookmark this on-line calculator!  https://www.desmos.com/scientific.

If bored this weekend, look through the Gr10 Essential General Resources webpage or go back and check out some Grade 8 and 9 stuff in our Prior Studies webpage.