15 April Daily Blog

Have had three folks check in today so far (12:00)

I just uploaded today’s Lesson.  Today’s You Tube Video Daily Lesson.
Not sure what lesson you are on, but here is what I am doing this morning.  As long as we do a unit per week we will be OK. You can work your way through Units A and B, A is mainly to scatter about wherever.
Today’s Lesson is in our in Shared Daily Lesson File.  So everything we have done since the ‘start’.  Of course you might be doing your studies at a different pace, but should get one Unit Per Week.
The school is technically closed to everyone for now, unless you have made a special arrangement.  Hope fully in the next few
How is this working out for you?  Do you like this method?  Do you think it will be effective?  Let me,  you can comment here or e-mail.