Grade 12 Applied – Unit B – Personal Finance

B-1  Grade 12 Applied Personal Finance Notes  A complete set of notes for the Unit

B-2  Unit B – YouTube Playlist.   A selection of videos that may intrigue, but videos are not a good way to learn!

B-3  Grade 11 Essential Interest and Credit.  Grade 11 Essential covered Interest and Loans to a basic level.  The Grade 12 Applied Unit is considerably elevated.

B-3 Workbooks.  Several Workbooks (not hand-in) with answers!  These are not assigned, but for your own use, more than ample practice problems with answers

B-4  Loan Repayment Table.  In the ‘old days’ before calculators we used tables of values to look up and calculate things like loan payments.  Tables show the big picture pattern that a calculator does not.  I like tables!  You can see patterns.

B-4  Selected possible assignments & worksheets.  Not everything will be assigned, you may want to explore all of the worksheets regardless.:


B-5  A small selection of useful on-line calculators

B-7  Manual Loan Calculation Formula.  Who needs a computer when there is a simple (lol) formula to calculate loans.  You need to be pretty skilled with a calculator to compute loan payments this way!  This is how I had generated our Loan Tables.

B-8  Retirement (Benefits, Annuities, Income).  Are you planning for your future now??

Public Benefits. Check out how Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and other Public Benefits work. What you can expect when you retire. You and a partner together can expect about 700 to 800$ per month.

B-9 Other Resources

Everyday Math Skills. An excellent document about handling money and other money matters

Toronto Star -Your Money Matter.  Handling money for the younger folks

Watch out for these guys!  Predatory Loans; you probably get these in the mail occasionally.

B-10  In The News

CBC News Stories on Pension Plan. Revamped CPP ; Canada Pension Plan Expansion , CPP vs OAS Explained

B-11   Unclaimed Balances. Some surprise income for the family! Check this out. You may have a grandpa or great uncle or something that left behind lots of money in a bank account, and no-one knew about it! If a bank account is untouched for 10 years it ends up here! Use the search page to look up your name or relatives deceased more that 10 years ago. We had found $13K my grandma had hidden away! Unclaimed Balance Search Page.

B-12  Retirement (Annuities)

Public Benefits. Check out how Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and other Public Benefits work. What you can expect when you retire. You and a partner together can expect about 700 to 800$ per month.

B-13  What is a Line of Credit?   The BMO explains the Line of Credit

B -15  Loans Using Technology!  Let’s be realistic!   There is an App for almost everything you can install on your phone!  (of course there are hazards with that!)  And of course many apps have flaws and errors and spam.  So being able to do calculations the ‘old’ way may still be important regardless!

    • Google Play for Android DevicesFinancial Calculators.  (This one is loaded on our class tablets!)  Or find one you like for your device!
    • IOS (Apple) App Store.  The Apple Store is not accessible directly from a PC.  Find any reasonable money or loan calculator app!  Here is the same one as on Androids above: EZ Financial Calculators.
    • EZ Financial Works fine just on-line in your browser too:
    • TI-83 Graphing Calculator.  Some may recall this graphing calculator from the 90s.  Still useful!  It is available as a Download in Android devices, see teacher if you want it.

B-19  Compound Interest Calculator Excel Spreadsheet. Use an EXCEL spreadsheet to do a line by line display of compound interest!  Use Google Sheets, or Excel On-Line, etc.  You can do all this on your phone!!