03 May Grade 12 Essentials

03 May Grade 12 Essentials.  Word of the day:  Property  Tax


  • Progress reports were handed out Wednesday again.  Several students would benefit from getting in some more assignments.
  • Study Notes (Cheat Sheet).  How are those looking?.  Tweak up the Teacher Study Notes (Cheat Sheet) for now, add in your bits and examples, then re-do your own for submission with Final Exam.  A possible EXTRA 5% added to course mark.  Study Notes Preparation and Rubric.


  • Unit F House Finance.  Read Unit F Notes  pp. 11-16 Property Tax.
    • Lesson Support Videos:  Property Tax
    • A typical Annual Tax Bill.  Notice the city allows the school divisions to tack on the School Taxes too!
    • Catch up
  • Finish A -1 Problem Solve Using Tables,  A-2 Problem Solve by Making Simpler Version.
  • Work on Take-Home TEST.  ~15% of the class mark.  Open book (althoug an effective cheat sheet would be less frustrating).  Collude (work) with others if you need.  Have it in by Monday 10:00.  Absolutely no later than, thanks.  (several were already handed in yesterday!)

Useful Resources:

Definition Property Tax

Property Tax.  The annual taxes collected to fund all the services a city (or municipality) provides: police, fire department, (those two take up half the budget), rec centres, libraries, food inspections, cemeteries, snow removal, governance, parks, and way more, … …..  Residential properties pay about 45% of the city’s revenue.  Presently the school taxes are also piggy-backed onto the same annual bill.  Typical annual bill would be about $1,500 for the city and $1,500 for the school division.