27 Oct Grade 12 Essentials Math

27 Oct 2023 Grade 12 Essential.


  • Quiz  (normal alternate opportunity Friday)
  • Final Exam Thursday 2 Nov (09:00)Exam Policy.  Final Exam is worth 25% of course mark, student cheat sheet is worth 5%.
    • Have YOUR Study Notes [Cheat Sheet] prepared for exam.  Study Notes Preparation 
    • Last of assignments in by Monday 30 Oct.  Overly-late penalties apply.
    • Issuing Progress reports again
    • PLease complete Instructor Evaluation form, anonymous is ok.
  • Final Chance for Quiz.  If stuck at home can always have it sent on request.
    • Quiz Debrief PDF Handout [Pending]
    • Quiz Debrief Movie [Pending].  Added to the Playlist of all the debriefs.
  • Warmup:  Unit D  Workbook (Archived Prov Exam Questions) pp. 5-7
  • Final Exam Practice Questions.  23 pages of practice problems for Final Exam issued Wed!!  We will select a few for in-class review next week.  If a question looks unfamiliar that is because we missed that unit! (ie: Missed House Finance)

Selected Useful Resources