26 Sep Grade 12 Essentials Math

26 Sep 2023 Grade 12 Essentials Math.  Word of the day: Data Graphs


  • Mid-Term  Marks to Office on Friday 6 Oct . Overdue Math Assignments in by Tues 3 Oct.  Penalty for assignments overdue by >2 Weeks
  • Quiz Re-Do today for those who missed it or requested it!  Not often this is offered!!

Today Lesson(s)

Selected Useful Resources
  • NEWQuiz Debrief Videos Playlist.  A single Playlist for Weekly Quiz Debriefs. A single Playlist for Weekly Quiz Debriefs.  Pretty much the entire course once we do all the weekly quizzes.  Pause them, do them, rewind them. Mute sound and figure out what is being done.
  • Math Antics.  A wonderful set of videos for refreshing Elementary and Middle School studies.
  • Statistics Questions from Previous Provincial Exams.  (with answers) [Issued]