01 Jun Grade 12 Essential

01 Jun 2023 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the day: Money (in Cree)


  • Final Exam Wed 7 Jun.  Last of Assgts in by tomorrow, Fri 2 Jun.  (Penalty if late >2 weeks).  Get Your Cheat Sheet Prepared for the final exam, you will submit it!  Cheat Sheet Preparation
    • NOTICE that your PM class has a MORNING EXAM on the Thursday!
  • Baby Pics!  If graduating send me a baby pic and a grad pic.  Details.
  • Graduation Poster and Details:  Pending!   Thumbnail:  Thursday 22 Jun, Invite <=4 guests, invites available at reception, invited guests to arrive by 12:00. Grads to Arrive Victoria Inn at 11:00 to dress
  • Warmup / Review.
  • No Quiz Today.  Quizzes are all done.
  • Course Evaluation.  Please complete, at front, anonymous or otherwise
  • Read ahead about GDSR (Gross Debt Service Ration). Notes: pp. ‘PRACTICE PROBLEMS’ – 6 – 10
  • Checkout this great website:  CMHC.ca,  if you want lots more details about Buying, Renting, Affordability, …
  • How is YOUR Cheat Sheet looking!!??  Submit it with Final Exam!  5% of course mark
  • Issuing Final Exam Review Questions today!