19 APR 2023 GRADE 12 ESSENTIAL.  Word of the day:  Percentile Rank


  • Winter Storm (?) Alert.  In event of a significant winter storm Thursday (tomorrow), the Regular Weekly Thurday Quiz will be deferred to Monday.  Keep an eye on this blog for update(s) and tomorrow’s blog regarding the quiz deferement.  Of course, even if big storm, still expected to work math at home for 2-3 hours with the readily available resources, videos, workbook, blogs you have.
  • Jocelyn Starr Award.  If you are registered for Post-Secondary, applications available from teacher & Natallie
  • Late Assignments.  Assignments morethan 2 weeks late are subject to a max 50% Mark. Assignment due dates are in daily blog(s) when assignments are issued.
  • Harvest. Available Mon and Wed PM thru Edna, Meghan
Today’s Lesson(s)

Useful Resources:  See previous recent blogs, or use the search feature at the bottom of his blog!