30S Pre-Calculus Unit E Rational Equations
Unit E Rationals – YouTube Videos Playlist. Selected Videos to save students from unsuccesful googling . Bearing in mind a movie is not a good way to learn! Watching someone do it for you is not learning. Pause it, do the question, then continue! If you have any good suggestions to add to the playlist then let me know.
My MrF Teach Notes. [Pending]
Holt-Algebra Readiness – Rationals Extract. Good four pages explanation
Mc*Graw TextBook Chap 6 Rational Expressions and Equations
Purple Math – Solve Rational Equations. Quick and Easy Explanation of Solving Rational Equations.
Desmos Graphing Tool. You must check out this on-line graphing tool!
Some selected worksheets from KataSoftware (with answers)