31 MAY 2024 GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.  Word of the day:  Succession (in your issued Glossary)


  • Final Exam Wed 6 June at 09:00 AM  Final Exam Policy: Details
  • Progress reports issued Wednesday.  40% or less with need 80% or more on final exam!  A really perfect Cheat Sheet might help a lttlte so that only need a ~70 on final exam
  • Last of any overdue Assignments to be in No Later than Monday 15:30.  Late penalty applies.
  • Grad Media.  Baby pic for grad media.  Grads requested, if desired, to provide a baby photo and grad photo for our private Graduation Media.
  • Graduation.  Grad is at the Victoria Inn, Thursday 20 June.  Be there NO LATER than 12:00 Noon to get dressed in cap and gown.  Here is a link for complete information. : Grad Day Info for Students.

Today’s Lesson(s)

Useful Resources