30 May Grade 12 Essentials Math

30 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials Math.  Word of the day:  Different Triangles (manipulative)


  • Valedictorian Voting in Reception today.
  • MrF NOT available Friday PM for tutoring;  appointment.
  • Late assignments in by no later than Monday.  Late penalty if more than a week late.
  • Final Math Exam Wed 5 June 09:00.  Final Exam Policy: Details
  • Graduation Media.  For those expecting to graduate please see: Graduation Media.
  • Issuing very most recent progress reports.  Those with 40% or less will need 80% or more on final exam!  A real good cheat sheet might help with up to an extra 5%.


Ueeful Resources.  As per previous blogs (searchable)