28 MAY GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.  Word of the day: Niche

Announcement: Quiz on Thursday!

Today’s Lesson(s)

  • Take-Home Quiz.  Very Very Last Chance Take-Home Quiz Submssion with Penalty
  • Quiz Debrief: Quizzes marked and returned @15:00.  Average mark was 93% (2 students!)
  • Chapter 3 Review and quiz prep.  Let us recap Chapter 3.  Not a handin!
  • Section 4.1  Climate.  Read/Study.
  • Read ahead Section 4.2 Niches and Community Interactions
  • Keep working in the Unit E Review Workbook
    • Sec 4.3 Succession will be our last studies.
  • Quiz Questions on Thursday: Two Questions Unit C Evolution, two questions unit D Biodiversity, four questions Unit E Ecology
  • Tomorrow I will issue the  Final Exam Practice Questions for Final Exam, students can check it out on-line of course.  Final Exam is 25% of Course Mark.  Up to an extra 5% for a perfect ‘Cheat Sheet’