23 MAY 2024 GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.  Word of the day: Autotroph (sorry about the ads, but a really good web resources regardless)


  • WARNING!  No Class this Friday (tomorrow) AGAIN!!!  TV Crew filming!  Further,… the Thursday class today will be compressed into the AM.  So, the AM class til 10:15, the PM class 10:30 to 12:00.
  • Quiz.  The Regular Weekly Quiz (on Unit D) was issued yesterday for take-home;  due Monday 10:00 13:00  at the latest, late penalty applies!
  • Weekly Issue of Progress report was yesterday. Hopefully students have done the statistical calculation, if their present mark is 40% or less they will need 80% or more on the final exam. Or at least 70% on the final with a perfect cheat sheetDo the math!  A bunch of really late asignments will not help hardly any!
  • nly five more full days of lessons, two days review and then Exam Thursday 6 June at 09:00 AM

Today’s Lesson (compressed class)


Useful Resources