22 APR 2024 GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.  Word of the day: Crossing Over

  • Quiz Debrief.  The mean mark for the three students that wrote the quiz was 56%
  • Section 11.4 Meiosis in our readings.  Explored the idea briefly of gene linkage, where maybe the genes are NOT always sorted independently.  Maybe if they are really close together on the same chromosome they may get exchanged together in the big mixing cross-over.
    • Lesson Support Videos for Gene Linkage & Recombination :  Linked Genes and Crossing Over.  Notice the back of your reading reference has some extra notes with extra diagrams.  Finish your Chapter 11 Study Guide to focus your thoughts.  All we really really need to know is that a lot of mixing takes place!
    • [Imagine spending your career counting fruit flies that have red eyes for a living!  A glamourous science career]
    • Assignment A-8 Sex-Linked Traits (Due: in class)
    • Lesson Support Video(s):  Sex Linked Traits
  • So scan through Chapter 14, get a feel for what that is about.  Then actually read Section 14.1 – Human Heredity.
  • Project Assignment A-7 Superbaby Start on that tomorrow in class.