11 APR 2024 GRADE 12 ESSENTIAL.  Word of the day: Weighted Mean


  • Grad Photo Re-takes – See Barb; Gowns for Grads see Barb
  • Get assignments in!  Subject to 50% Penalty if a week late
  • Get started on your own cheat sheets.  They are worth EXTRA 5% for course mark.  Cheat Sheet Preparation and Marking.

Today Lesson(s)

Selected Useful Resources:

  • Quiz Yourself on Statistics for personal review.  These Quia Quizzes are great.
  •  Study Notes (‘Cheat Sheet’).  Students are expected to prepare their own ‘Cheat Sheet’ .  5% of course mark.  Study Notes Preparationand Rubric.
  •  Grade 12 Math Archived Exam Questions. ~10 years of past provincial exams, with full solutions and exemplars.  Do not miss this: Archived Grade 12 Exams.
  • Statistics Canada 2016 Census.  Check out the statistical details that the governmnet census collects and analyzes!  How many people in the city speak an Aboriginal Language?  In the Province? What is the Median total income for an individual in 2015?
  • Quia Quizzes.  Quiz yourself.  These are great.  Choose a subject, select a keyword, select a quiz, submit for score! (lots of types)