20 SEP 2023 GRADE 10 ESSENTIAL.  Word of the Day: Litre

  • Thursday Quiz.  Quiz every Thursday. Paper quiz tomorrow
  • Orange Shirt Day Friday 22 Sep.  09:00 Round dance, lunch feast, prizes  [POSTER].  Done by ~2 PM. College will be closed!  Go direct to the Hotel next door!
  • Survey from First Week!  I never did get many responses.  Please complete it now if you had not, takes 2 minutes

Today Activities

  • Warmup / Quiz Prep
  • Unit C Notes – pp. 18 -25  Converting in the old Imperial Units. Read and Do.
  • Assgt C-4 Imperial Measures and Conversions Puzzle(s)  (Due: <26 Sep)
  • Read Ahead in Notes pp.  26 -30.  Converting between Systems
    • Wanna Cheat?  Try this Unit Converter.  Dozens of these on the internet.  Or even just Google or Siri does conversions.  But students still need to know how to do it with pencil and paper.
    • Check out Supplemental Notes in Appendix: pp A-5

Useful Resources: