19 SEP 2023 GRADE 10 ESSENTIAL .  Word of the Day: Proportion

  • Student ID.  Missed the appointment last week?  See Shelby any day @ 11:15
  • Yellowquill Account.  Rather use your Yellowquill account instead of personal e-mail?  Let me know.
  • Study Notes (‘Cheat Sheet’).  Students are expected to prepare their own ‘Cheat Sheet’ .  5% of course mark.  Study Notes Preparationand Rubric.
  • Orange Shirt Day Friday 22 Sep.  Round dance, feast, prizes  [POSTER].  College will be closed!  Go direct to the Hotel next door!
 Today’s Activities:
Selected Useful Resources
  • Unit Converter Tool.  A handy Conversion tool.  Convert any measure to any other measure. Of course students still need to show the manual method with pencil and paper!
  • Search Tool. The blog has a useful search engine at the bottom of the blog!