09 FEB GRADE 12 APPLIED MATH.  Word of the day.  Compound Interest

    • **Quiz Day  (In class)!  Every Thursday (alternate: Friday)
      • Do not miss too many quizzes, worth ~3-4% of course mark each
    • **Don’t forget Compressed FridaysMath is 10:30 till noon.
    • **Valentine’s Day Candy Grams (see poster somewhere?)
    • **Early dismissal today (??)  YES, No!

Today’s Lesson(s)

  • Warmup/Quiz Prep
  • Quiz!
  • Start Unit B Personal Finance
  • Read and do issued Unit B Notes (partial) first 14 pages! [Did you get them?]  Identical to Grade 11 Interest and Credit and Interest Unit the first 14 pages.
  • Assignments:
  • Lesson Support Videos
  • Notice we will start to use the fnacalculator  TVM (Time & Value of Money) App. It is available in browser, or as a download on Google Play or Apple Store.
    • Check out this very quick demo of how the TVM Appworks.  It even has a help menu in it if you want to figure it out ahead of time