26 Jan Grade 11 Essential

26 Jan 2023 Grade 11 Essential.  Word of the day:  Loan

  • Career Fair. Some students with laptops at home are registered for and particpating in the Virtual Career Fair?  If not they are expected to be in class.  Regardless all students have a quiz
    • We will investigate some of the Career Fair in the classroom as a collective participation.
  • Weekly Quiz DayEvery Thursday is a quiz.  Today’s is on-line or in-class.  Here is the quiz: [Week 1 Quiz  Posted 08:00]  Submit it No Later than 11:00 at which time it will be shut down.  WTH!  Only one person out of 10 (?) did the on-line quiz!  I will leave it on till 2 PM, last offer.  Submit by 2PM.
Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Warm up.  Pretty much same type questions as quiz!
  • Regular Weekly Thursday Quiz for those in class
  • Mainly Review of Grade 10 Stuff and the Grade 10 Final Exam debrief.
  • Particpate in Career Fair collectively in class a bit.
    • Cancel that, noisy, vulgar, …  Just watch the recorded version , still on till Friday PM at 3 PM.
  • Catch up Assignments B-1, B-2.
Useful Resources
  • Me.  End of the Day!
  • My Grade 11 Reference Notes (Cheat Sheet).  You are expected to make your own, slowly compile it for Final Exam.  These should out in front of you every class!
  • Daily Lessons in Shared Folder.  Every lesson we have done on the whiteboard board.  Also printed at front of class
  • Decent Calculator.  You likely noticed that you need a decent calculator!  The one on your phone or a Dollarama one is not sufficient.