21 Nov Grade 10 Essential

21 Nov Grade 10 Essential.  Word of the day. Proportion

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  • Warmup
  • Quiz Debrief.  Only 4 people wrote the Regular Thursday Quiz!  One very last chance on Tuesday at 10:40.
    • There are no-redos henceforth, plenty of opportunity to do the quizzes.
      • Quizzes are even put on – line briefly or e-mailed for timely submission.
    • Missing one or two out of 7 quizzes is no big deal, a quiz is worth two assignments.
    • Here is the Quiz Debrief Movie;  here is the Quiz Debrief Handout (PDF).
  • Unit C Notes pp. 7-20 Assigned Pre-read
  • Assgt C-3 Metric Conversion Puzzle  (Due 23 Nov)
  • Read ahead :  The Imperial British system which only Americans use now. Notes: pp 21-25
Useful Resources