27 Jan Grade 11 Essential

27 Jan Grade 11 Essential.  Morning!  We will slow down a bit today!  Don’t forget Fridays are ‘compressed’, your classes are 09:00 to 10:15 and 10:30 to 11:50.  Friday PM (12:00 til 15:30) is a good time to briefly pop by with completed Math work or collect other work.

  • Standard Live YouTube Broadcast.  Check in by e-mail if not in chat window.
  • Warm-up / Review of Simple Interest
    • Workbook Lesson 2.
      • pg. 99, questions 4,5,6
      • pg. 100 questions 1 & 2
      • I did up a  short movie if you need further explanation or you missed the live broadcast.
  • Compound Interest Practice
  • QUIZ!  I like a quiz every Thursday! Do this: On-Line Quiz (should take < 15 minutes!)  Do it by 13:00!
  • Percents, Decimals, Fractions.  A student asked about the Appendix in the Unit B Notes regarding Percents, Fractions and Decimals (Grade 10 stuff)  Here is the Completed Table for Percents, Fractions, Decimals.
  • Pop in end of class using Google Meet to test that!  Invite to Google meet at 11:30.
    • Update:  Only Three students accepted the Google Meet invite!! What’s up!

Tomorrow:  Q&A, Drop by briefly if able, read ahead in Notes: Loans

Useful Resources to Explore (in our website)
