02 Jan MrF Math

Excited to get back to school!  The break was too long!

Remote Learning.  It appears we are going to be learning remotely for at least the first week of 2022 classes.  Further updates to follow!

Classes Start Tuesday 4 Jan 2022.  I intend to start on Tuesday 4 Jan as programmed.  Classes will be synchronous,  that is, we will all engage at the normal class times on-line. Students are to check in by e-mail with me prior to start of their class for Virtual Attendance purposes.  Then I will initiate a bulk invitation to my YouTube Live broadcast.  So, students are to check-in before 09:00 for the morning class!  By 13:00 for the PM class.

YouTube Live Broadcast.  A YouTube live broadcast at start of class, you will see me and my whiteboard, I will not see you though, although you can participate in the chat window that accompanies the live broadcast.  We will do ~45 mins of lesson to set you up for your guided learning, then students continue with assigned work for a couple hours.  Ample on-line resources are readily available and will be prominently indicated in each daily blog and for each course.

End of Class Windup.  You can anticipate the occasional end of class windup, Q&A at the end of class on YouTube Live or perhaps on Google Meet.  If you are on an Apple device it will be desirable that you have Google Meet installed. Here is the Google Meet for Apple.   YouTube Live requires no special download!

Submitting WorkSome assignments will be identified for submission.  Math assignments are best completed by reading the assignment on line, copying the question number, completing the solution on paper (showing proper work) then scanned and sent using the Genius App that we have discussed and demonstrated frequently.

Extra Support.  If the unit webpages and YouTube Playlists and daily blogs and courseware movies are not sufficient and you require further one-on-one assistance you can e-mail me for personal assistance till 17:00 daily.

Effective Learning.  This method described has proven to be quite effective the last two times we teachers have done the remote learning.  It still requires that students be disciplined and participate in the lessons on-time and that students maintain an elevated learning discipline guided by the instructor.