24 Sep Grade 12 Biology

24 Sep Grade 12 Biology.  Good Morning

  • Finish Sec 11.4 pp. 328 and 329.  Gene Linkage.  Good Movie(s) X 2.
  • Do Chap 11 Word Find (assgt A-4  due Monday)
  • Do Chapter 11 Study Guide on own, not hand-in, we will review early next week.
  • Last Chance – Weekly Quiz!!  (The average for the 17 who wrote was bang on 85%!)
  • For weekend; ‘scan’ (flip through)  Chapter 14 Human Heredity.
  • Handing out courseware for binder for Unit C – Evolution.
  • Handed out Report Cards again!  To see what assignments you owe


FYI  [repeat]!!  If you are unable to attend class due to isolating, waiting for test result, at home with child, bus fare, etc… you are still expected to check in by e-mail and participate in the day’s lesson.  Send e-mail at start of class, teacher will likely invite you to watch a Live YouTube Broadcast.  After 20 minutes or so if you have it all established what you are doing then carry on on your own doing the lesson(s) in the daily blog.   Your participation will then be recorded as a form of attendance!  Assignments are still due on time (ish).  If missing a quiz you are still expected to do it and send it as a scanned document.