Classes Resume, IN CLASS,  for everyone Monday 18 Jan. [Numeric date error in weekly review e-mail)

Final Exam Thursday 21 Jan.  If you are completely unable to attend the one sitting for the exam, arrangements should be made well in advance with Courtney.  You have Practice Exam Questions.  You should have a nice cheat sheet  by now.  BTW:  No exam exemptions, sorry!

Today’s Lesson (Monday).  Finish up Trigonometry.  I uploaded an Answer Key for the Unit G Practice QuestionsAnswer Key.

I had e-mailed a Summative Quiz.  That should lock-in the marks for those with a good mark and assist those who need a few more marks.  Here is the 09 Jan Summative Quiz due on Wed 13 Jan 16:00:  09 Jan Summative Quiz.

Warmup. Warm up with these two problems from the webpage: